04 November 2010

Stats - Day 4

poems written =6
poems written per day = 1.5
poems remaining = 44
required poems per day = 1.6923

50PoWriMo - VI

face it

i've grown accustomed to my face
with this portion of it covered,
hidden in a hairy haven, encased
in comfy carpeting, shaggily smothered
feeling like i look like pharaoh sanders
infuriating my beautiful lover
who has told me with increasing candour
how much she despises
having to look at it and her
lovingly intended advice has
finally worn me away
and a number of devices
have left me cleanly shaved
as a gift for her birthday

trouble is my face appears
in every shiny thing and mirror
and i can't help myself but leer
the change in look is so severe
just as i feared
                 i look weird
and since my face had been sheared
it looks so much fatter than with the beard
i've grown unaccustomed to my face