28 November 2010

Stats - Day 28

poems written = 47
poems written per day = 1.6786
poems remaining = 3
required poems per day = 1.5

for the first time, my required rate has fallen below my achieved rate - this looks great on the graph (i might post the graph when i've finished)

50PoWriMo - XLVII

sappy lust

i know you know i love you
but i don't think i tell
you often enough
how much i also
"fancy you"
you're cool and smart and funny
and cynical and caring and myriad
other lovable things
but you are also
so sexy
i feel lucky to have you
as my confidante, as my other half
as my best friend
but i also feel
lucky to have you

i love the way you don't believe me
when i tell you that you're gorgeous
   and alluring
      and enthralling
         and foxy
            and stunning
               and bewitching
                  and exquisite
                     and cute
                        and ravishing
                           and delicious
and i'm glad your beautiful body
has got beautiful you inside

50PoWriMo - XLVI


what i do best
i do best
when i do it
for you