22 November 2010

Stats - Day 22

poems written = 35
poems written per day = 1.5909
poems remaining = 15
required poems per day = 1.875

50PoWriMo - XXXV

twenty years ago today

i remember hearing
a quiet collective cheering
when we heard that she'd withdrawn
and within days she'd be gone
for the first time in my lifetime
i'd live under a new prime
minister although
i'd just assumed she'd never go
we're doing our best to forget her
we knew things could only get better
(though evidently only a tiny bit)

50PoWriMo - XXXIV

to the incredibly loud and annoying girl who won't shut up

trust me darling, you are not
as funny as you clearly reckon
nor for that matter as hot
as you make out with all that make up
(though that battered vintage homburg
and insufficient skirt's a bold fashion
statement) i'm so tired from work
so shut up, grow up - you might wake up