06 December 2010

post-match analysis

there will be scepticism, but i don't care. i wrote that last poem on tuesday night, typed it up quite late and then clicked the wrong button and failed to post it. various snow and family excuses have kept me offline since then and i've only just noticed my mistake when i came to write this post.

anyway here is a graph comparing my poem writing rate (in green) to my poems required rate (in pink)

and here is a wiggly line showing how my cumulative running totals compared to the pace i should have kept up

despite how bleak it looked at times, quantity was just about sustainable - but what of quality? i reckon there are four or five which count as quite good, seven or eight which rate as embarrassingly poor, which leaves about three-quarters of the output solidly within the realms of mediocrity.

as of right now, the most read poem is number 47 (why? it is not really a good one) and the blog as a whole is only just shy of 500 hits, which is far more than i reasonably expected. thankyou to anyone who read any of this - even if you hated it, the gentle swell of numbers made me feel a tiny bit validated.

for the record, my personal favourite was number 11 and least favourite number 17. why not leave a comment to tell me which you particularly didn't mind or couldn't bear?

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