02 November 2010

Stats - Day 2

poems written = 3
poems written per day = 1.5

poems remaining = 47
required poems per day = 1.6786

50PoWriMo - III

ten seconds of a train journey

an almost endless succession of gardens and the backs of houses
pass by in the anonymous dusk
a flickering wallpaper - bed to rest my vacant eyes
until the first lit window i lit upon
a first floor flat kitchen flooded with fluorescent glow
practical rental-property proportions and palour
i saw her dancing
gliding serenely backward accross the lino
arms framing the embrace of her invisible partner
oblivious to all but the ballroom bliss
her unpainted face a smilingly serious mask
which she drops as she stops, laughing as she turns away
just as she disappears from view

50PoWriMo - II

the things you love someone in spite of are more significant than the things you love them for

i've always been proud
that i've never allowed
my mind to be weak enough to have been swayed
by the sleekness and shine
(that reflects our decline)
and style above substance of what apple made
remaining committed
i've never permitted
them into my home - yet to my dismay
although i despise them
my wife regularly buys them
and somehow i find i love her anyway