23 November 2010

Stats - Day 23

poems written = 37
poems written per day = 1.6087
poems remaining = 13
required poems per day = 1.8571

50PoWriMo - XXXVII


just because a poem is slight
a few compact lines
doesn't mean it can't hold some great insight
sadly not the case this time

50PoWriMo - XXXVI

one hundred thousand pounds

thirty-five point six tonnes of pennies
it's hard to picture than many
piled up into a shiny wall
over seven hundred days
(not quite two man-years) at minimum wage
six times the national
debt per head of population
or adjusting for inflation
two grand in 1939
could a man raise ten to the fifth quid if he
suddenly needed extra liquidity
not by selling anything of mine

thanks to @sallonoroff on the twitter for the title (i need all the help i can get)