17 November 2010

Stats - Day 17

poems written = 27
poems written per day = 1.5882
poems remaining = 23
required poems per day = 1.7692

50PoWriMo - XXVII

just some of the many reasons why i have never been successful

i've never had a goal defined with any sense of clarity
i've never worked out how to make motivation
i've never reckoned anything is due to me
i've never shot for things above my station
i've never really not been cruising comfortably
i've never had the courage to commit

i've never mistaken dreaming for reality
i've never worked hard enough for it

50PoWriMo - XXVI

the poet or the marketeer

she would rather date
a successful french poet
than a man who works
in marketing
a reasonable mandate
i thought although it's
not knowledge based, just her
gut feeling