10 November 2010

Stats - Day 10

poems written = 16
poems written per day = 1.6
poems remaining = 34
required poems per day = 1.7

50PoWriMo - XVI

the boy whose hiding place was more exposed than he realised

he crawled beneath the leaves
         the top layer soft and orange
         the next crunchy and browning
         the last a filthy mulch
     he crawled beneath the filthy leaves

he tore apart the ground
         easing a crumbling crack open
         ripping into the fissure
         a muddy cast on his bleeding fingertips
     he tore apart the muddy ground

he curled into a ball
         trying to telescope so tiny
         anatomical origami
         folding limbs in tight creases
     he curled into a tight ball

he covered up his face
         buried in his clenched arms
         shielded underneath his hair
         and tearful, bloody mask of filth
     he covered up his tearful face

he couldn't hide his wings
         the tighter he curled the more they spread upward
         retreating back through his escape route
         glistening through the leafy blanket
     he couldn't hide his glistening wings