18 November 2010

Stats - Day 18

poems written = 29
poems written per day = 1.6111
poems remaining = 21
required poems per day = 1.75

50PoWriMo - XXIX

i saw her on tv and half my life rolled back

manda rin, manda rin
she sets my hormones in a spin
i barely know where to begin
to talk about sweet manda rin
i love the shouty way she sings
for bis, data panik or the kitchen
she's the teen-c nation's queen

manda rin, manda rin
star of my teenage imaginings
since that photoshoot i'd seen
in melody maker magazine
(you know, where she's tricycling)

manda rin, manda rin
no matter where my heart has been
in all those moments in between
some part has always had her in

50PoWriMo - XXVIII

i had a lot of time for introspection because i forgot my keys and had to wander the streets

there's nothing like doing something stupid
to focus the mind on all the stupid things you did
no matter what achievement may balance the scale, you're
only able to dwell on the failures