24 November 2010

Stats - Day 24

poems written = 39
poems written per day = 1.6250
poems remaining = 11
required poems per day = 1.8333

50PoWriMo - XXXIX


i sometimes wonder if i should hide
that ten-year-old boy inside
that will always set my heart
racing in the hours before the start
of a test series
but as each one looms i fear his
influence will never fade. we go
deaf to all but the radio
tms soundtracks my every summer day
and somehow away
series elicit a more illicit thrill
finding myself still
awake and duvet-wrapped and half past three
hanging on every ball of commentary
me to sporting
contests in venues too far to ever visit
no matter how hard the child inside may wish it


i get a little upset when people i don't like seem to like me

we work hard
at letting you know who we are
so that you know that who we are
is not like who you are
and we like to know who you are
so that we know that who you are
is not like who we are
if we don't like who you are
we know that you don't like who we are